A great fondness is shown for the seraph
or cherub on the wheel, borrowed from the
vision of Ezekiel. Such angelic figures form
a prominent feature in English embroidery
from the thirteenth century to the sixteenth.
It is natural, too, that English saints should
be often represented. Among them, St.
Thomas of Canterbury and St. Edmund the
King and Martyr, occur most frequently.
Of course, it would not be safe to assign
an English origin to an embroidery showing
any one alone of the characteristics mentioned
above. No monopoly can be claimed for
some among them such as the seraph and
the vine foliage, for example, but where a
combination of these features is found, it is
fairly safe to conclude that the work is Eng-
lish. It is, of course, not possible to be
absolutely certain in every case; but the
English origin of the examples about to
be described is strongly supported by the
evidence of the design and workmanship,
and often by tradition as well.
All are agreed that among English em-
broideries the " Syon " cope stands easily first
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