A fine cope, a few years later in date, was
acquired not long ago by the Victoria and
Albert Museum (Plate 23.)* It is of deep purple
velvet, embroidered with gold and silver thread
and coloured silks. The subject in the middle
is the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.
Above are two fleurs-de-lys, and below two
roses. On the scrolls held by the three sur-
rounding angels is the legend GLORIA IN
EXCELSIS DEO. The remaining space
is covered with floral devices of the usual
character. On the hood is a seated figure of
the Almighty Father, with three souls in a
napkin. The orphreys have figures of apostles
and saints beneath canopies of Gothic cha-
racter. The date is about the year 1500.
The chasuble reproduced in colour (Plate
C) is of velvet. The Crucifixion of our Lord,
an appropriate subject for the cross-shaped
orphrey at the back of a chasuble, occurs on
this example, and also on a purple velvet
chasuble in the museum (No. 665, 1896).
Both belong to the early years of the six-
teenth century.
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