That so many English vestments of this
early time are to be found abroad, need not
surprise us. There is documentary evidence
of some having been thus destined from the
first. For example, Edward I. made a gift
to Pope Boniface VIII. vi z. pluviale de opere
Anglicano, and payment is recorded to have
been made by his son Edward II. for a cope
which was to be sent to the pope as a present
from the queen. Royal gifts were also made
to churches of this country. An inventory *
of Canterbury Cathedral in 1315-16, records
the gift by Edward I. of a cope embroidered
with the Story of the Patriarch Joseph. The
inventories of this cathedral, as well as those
of London,! Lincoln, Peterborough, and
others, give evidence of an astonishing number
of embroidered vestments at that time in the
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